All over the world, societies are facing a growing problems with obesity - TASK 2

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All over the world, societies are facing a growing problems with obesity - TASK 2

Post by rzz »

All over the world, societies are facing a growing problems with obesity. These problems affect both children and adults. What are the reasons for this rise in obesity? How could it be tackled ?

Health is one of key concern area world wide and various health related problems faced by people, one of the growing problem in most of countries is obesity. The obesity problem not only affecting adults but equally children getting affected with same or higher ratio. Obesity can be result of various reasons and different strategies and solutions can be adapted to address this growing health issue.

Obesity is becoming epidemic and became most rampant in twentieth century in various countries. There are various reason of this widespread trend in adults and children. Mainly life style , now with so much advancement and busy schedule people are not really interested in physical exercises. In past we used to see people with a proper routine of life with jogging and walks part of their essential to do daily list. As an society we are becoming more busy with social networking watching sports on television and playing games online or with gaming station has actually restricted our physical movement. If we observe closely in our home and nearby you will find children playing games inside while the parks and grounds seems to unused mostly. One of other aspect is irregularity in diet, earlier we used to spend more time for quality food and choosing appropriate nutrient to maintain diet but now with so much variations and fast food availability most of people are becoming addicted to fast food or prepared food which actually contains less nutrients but more fats. Younger generation has made it a custom to eat pizza and burgers on frequent. The easy availability of fast food items in school and college actually has made younger generation more addicted to fast food.

There is always cure and ways to tackle naturally created problems, first of all societies need awareness of this problem. There can be different awareness program which can actually provide people adequate knowledge in handling obesity problem. People should be taught to take care of their diet and follow diet program to maintain their body requirement according to need, by reducing over eating and factor will be saving cost and will make sure availability of food to over all community in balance. In school and colleges the canteens and food stores must be given instruction set to provide healthy food to children. Secondly arranging public walks and yoga programs to create a sense of realization in society that how physical movement actually allows and plays a role of cure in dealing obesity health issue. The events of public gathering walks , marathon can be arranged and there can be certain prizes to ensure maximum number of attendance from general public. Parents also should convince their children to participate more in outside sport events.

Overall if society is given proper drive of knowledge to resolve obesity problem, its easy to control on very early stage and this will enable saving from further deterioration of public health and positively result in saving major cost of covering government health coverage plan for public.
IELTS Examiner
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Re: All over the world, societies are facing a growing problems with obesity - TASK 2

Post by David.IELTS.Examiner »

Hello Rao,

Introduction - Good. Nice and clear.

First main paragraph - Good. Try to use some more adverbs such as often, usually, frequently, to indicate that these are common problems but not universal.

Second main paragraph - The ideas are good, but I don't think that you have really explained how they will be carried out.

Overall, good, but a high score would require a) better explanation of the possible solutions and b) improved grammatical accuracy. (You use a variety of structures but errors are common.)

All the best,
Posts: 38
Joined: Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:17 pm

Re: All over the world, societies are facing a growing problems with obesity - TASK 2

Post by rzz »

Thanks David.

I am working hard to improve TASK 2.

Please provide me guideline stuff on my email
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