Academic Task 2 writing question seen yesterday in Brisbane

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Academic Task 2 writing question seen yesterday in Brisbane

Post by Ryan »

I just received the following via email. Several people have already reported this same question:
Directors of organisations are usually older individuals. However, some feel young people make better leaders of organisations. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
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Re: Academic Task 2 writing question seen yesterday in Brisb

Post by Ryan »

More from the same candidate:
Task 1 was about internet access of different age groups in UK between 2000 and 2006. It was a bar chart.

Reading was about Bondi beach in Sydney, and one about the effects of climate on countries economies. the last passage was about the verbal interactions and Prof. Mehrabanian's research conducted in UCLA.

I am afraid that I can't remember much of listening, but speaking was about the house that I live in and why I like the house. If I have a guest how I do the greetings and what do I offer them. The most awkward question was what is the difference between being friendly and being polite. I answered that somehow which I think was fair enough. last question in this part was how important is body movements in people's interactions.
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