task 2 climate change, please asses

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task 2 climate change, please asses

Post by raghadmamd »

Research shows that global warming is caused by human activity. What are the possible effects of climate change and what can governments and individuals do to reduce these

In recent decades, it has been observed that climate change and global warming have noticeable impacts all over the world without differentiation between countries. Many pieces of new research are blaming people and their activity to be one of the main reasons of these effects. In this essay, I will try to explain the most significant effects and our role in decreasing them.
Global warming is considered to be mainly due to the increase in carbon dioxide levels which can be produced naturally by respiration or as a result of incomplete burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. It is predicted that global temperature will increase by 1 degree in the 20th century, which may lead to firstly to the increase in heat waves and more droughts. Secondly, rising sea level, which is estimated to rise by 1 to 4 inch by 2100, this may cause many of islands and regions close to the coast to disappear.
Many governments have started to act regarding this growing problem, almost all countries presidents attend the climate change conference which is held annually to share policies and actions which show applied successfully. Many governments invested more in renewable sources of energy such as the wind, tidal and solar energy; moreover, they launch awareness campaigns to motivate individuals to participate in solving this problem. It is also the responsibility of each community member to decrease the level of heat emissions. We can use power saving energy source for lightening, also good house insulation to limit heat emissions. Another important way is to decrease our wastage through recycling and follow the triad of reducing, reusing and recycling. In addition, Careful use of water because the energy used to pump and treat it is very high. A good idea is to use household carbon footprint calculator to estimate our wastage and try to minimize them.
In conclusion, Climate change and global warming have serious impacts all over the world, and collaborative actions between international governments and individuals have to be taken to reduce these effects.
IELTS Examiner
IELTS Examiner
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Re: task 2 climate change, please asses

Post by David.IELTS.Examiner »


Overall, a good essay. You have covered the main points with some good development. Grammar is very good - just a few mistakes and a few punctuation issues.

Well done!
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