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Writing task 2 - traffic and pollution problems

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:05 am
by Ecro
It is believed that the rise of petrol prices would solve the growing traffic and pollution problems. Others, however, think that there are better ways to solve them.

On the one hand, increasing the price of petrol would fix the two big problems for a short period of time. Firstly, the high petrol price would make a lot of people search for alternative ways to commute to their workplace. Some people could go to work by bike, but when winter comes, bikes wouldn't be the best fit to their needs. Or what if someone had to commute to their workplace which is 50 miles away? It'd definitely be one long bike ride. Secondly, many people would become angry, because they no longer have the financial ability to pay for petrol. That would cause riots and public outrage, and that is not what the governments really wants.

On the other hand, there are many reasonable solutions to the problems. Firstly, if the government encouraged car manufacturers to produce only electric cars, people would have to buy them. That would not solve the traffic problem, but the pollution levels would likely fall down, because the carbon emission would decrease significantly. Secondly, creating a more sufficient public transport system could solve the traffic problem. People use their cars to go to work, because they don't have another option. But if the government improved its current public transport system, more people would start using it, and the traffic problems would slowly fade away.

To sum up, increasing the price of petrol would solve the two big problems for a short period of time and could cause a lot of damage to the government's image. A more sensible thing to do would be building a sufficient public transport system, and encouraging car manufacturers to produce more electric cars.

Thank you for reading this writing task 2! I hope you're having a great day!

Re: Writing task 2 - traffic and pollution problems

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 9:24 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

The problem with the first idea is that it isn't true. Oil prices a few years ago were very high, but that made no difference to car use. In fact, it increased during that time!

The problem with the second idea is that you still need to generate electricity to power the cars. If this comes from fossil fuels, does it really reduce pollution?

Improving public transport has also been proven not to work. London and Beijing have very good subway systems and bus networks but both suffer from traffic jams.

Overall, grammar and vocabulary are good but ideas are weak.

All the best,

Re: Writing task 2 - traffic and pollution problems

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 9:43 am
by one100
As far as I know , Ielts is not about idea, it is about your command on English

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