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Writing task 1 and 2, looking for assessment, please

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 7:23 am
by oyoun
Writing task 1 (a letter)
The company you work for introduced a work-from-home scheme. Write a letter to your manager asking for the work-from-home option. In your letter say
- What part of your job can be done from home?
- How many hours will you be able to work from home?
- How will it be helpful to you as well as your employer?

Dear Manager,
I’m glad to write to you to express my interest in scheduling part of may tasks to be done from home.
Last week the company has launched a work from home scheme, and I think part of my work can be done at home. I would like to conduct the reports and project proposals writing from home. That will require sixteen hours per week to be accomplished appropriately. I think doing this part of my job from home can bring several benefits to the company. Firstly, I will be more concentrated on these two tasks and avoid destructions I get when I’m at work by other upcoming tasks or other by peers. Secondly, that will save in transportation time and money that the company offers for the employees. Thirdly, I can be more achievable and hand on the work ahead of the deadlines.
Finally, if still there any enquires about my proposal for scheduling some of the work at home I hope we can discuss it in the next meeting.
Best regards

Writing Task 2 (an essay)
Usually students have to study a range of different subjects. Some people believe that learning subjects without being interested in them won’t be beneficial. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

During the learning process there are some opportunities to choose the topics you like to study, however, there still some are compulsory that students must study weather the interested or disinterested in them. Some people think these courses will not bring any benefits to the students. However, I think it may bring some advantages in away or another.
Those who hold the opinion of compulsory courses are not useful they have their reasons. Firstly, if the student is not interested in the topic he will be less curious to learn about it and he may scape the lectures, and will never think to find more resources for related information. Secondly, students may think these courses are waste of time, and that might affect their overall performance. In contrast, when the students are interested in the subject they studying, they will be more eager and keen to learn more about it. They will explore different resources from the world web page or from the library to acquire more knowledge. Moreover, some students will try to use the information they learn to develop new ideas or to solve existing problems, which is important goal of education.
In my point of view, studding interested topics is obviously more useful and will bring more advantages and benefits to students that studying disinterested subjects. However, I think the school had made there topics obligatory because they are important for the major and every student should know about them or they know that there courses will help students understand other related courses in their future studies. Also, its important to learn about a variety of topics, that will wider student’s view and understanding, and it might drive them to more interested area of study or change their objectives of learning.
To conclude, although studding interested courses are of great value for students fulfillment, other subjects can be helpful to master a major or to have different views and better understanding.

Re: Writing task 1 and 2, looking for assessment, please

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 6:07 am
by Paul Davey
Here's the introduction

Re: Writing task 1 and 2, looking for assessment, please

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 7:41 am
by Paul Davey
Here's the first body paragraph (B1)

Re: Writing task 1 and 2, looking for assessment, please

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 6:47 pm
by raniamostafa
They are interested in or not
You didn't mention what do you mean by these courses
They study
Than studying
"disinteresting" is totally wrong

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Re: Writing task 1 and 2, looking for assessment, please

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 8:35 am
by Paul Davey
Here is B2

Re: Writing task 1 and 2, looking for assessment, please

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:10 pm
by Flick
oyoun wrote:Writing task 1 (a letter)
The company you work for introduced a work-from-home scheme. Write a letter to your manager asking for the work-from-home option. In your letter say
- What part of your job can be done from home?
- How many hours will you be able to work from home?
- How will it be helpful to you as well as your employer?

Dear Manager,

I’m glad to write to you to express my interest in scheduling part of may tasks to be done from home.(<--Reword to: "I am writing to you to express my interest in the work-from-home scheme.")
Last week, the company launched this scheme, and I think part of my work can be done at home. I would like to conduct my report and project proposal writing from home. This will require sixteen hours per week to be accomplished appropriately. I think doing this part of my job from home can bring several benefits to the company.
Firstly, I will be more focused on these two tasks and avoid distractions I usually face when I’m working onsite. Secondly, it will save in transportation time and money that the company offers employees. Thirdly, I believe I will be able to complete work ahead of deadlines.
Finally, if there any enquiries about my proposal for completing some of my work at home, I hope we can discuss it in the next meeting.

Best regards,

Re: Writing task 1 and 2, looking for assessment, please

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:22 pm
by Flick
oyoun wrote: Writing Task 2 (an essay)
Usually students have to study a range of different subjects. Some people believe that learning subjects without being interested in them won’t be beneficial. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

During the learning process, there are some opportunities to choose the topics you would like to study. However, some subjects are compulsory, regardless of whether the student is interested or not. Some people think these courses will not bring any benefits to the students. However, I think there are several benefits to these courses which will be analysed below.

Those who hold the opinion that compulsory courses are not useful have their reasons. Firstly, if the student is not interested in the topic he will be less motivated to learn about it and he may not attend the lectures or look for related information. Secondly, students may think these courses are a waste of time, and that might affect their overall performance. In contrast, when students are interested in the subject they are studying, they will be more interested and keen to learn. They will explore different resources from the internet and the library to acquire more knowledge. Moreover, some students will try to use the information they learn to develop new ideas or to solve existing problems, which is an important goal of education.

In my opinion, studying interesting topics is obviously more useful and will bring more advantages and benefits to students that studying compulsory subjects. However, I think schools have made some topics obligatory because they are important and every student should know about them. Also, it is important to learn about a variety of topics in order to broaden students' views and understanding, and it might drive them to other areas of study or change their objectives of learning.

To conclude, although studying chosen topics is of great value for student fulfillment, other subjects can be helpful to master or to have different views and better understanding.