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Essay_Importance of Architecture

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 11:38 pm
by Tatty
Nearly every building is designed by an architect nowadays. Some people believe that is important for a building.
To what extent do you agree or disagree.

Over the human history, building technology has been playing a pivotal role in the way people live. Currently, almost all the modern buildings are professionally designed by architects. While some people advocate that is it not important to employ an architect in building design, it seems apparent that without expert professional knowledge of an architect, it is impossible to construct buildings of the modern day.

A number of obvious reasons can be identified why professional is preferred. The most significant reason is, architect is able to manage floor space to enhance the efficiency of buildings. As a consequence of population explosion the floor space that can be used for building construction has been declining and available land resources has to be managed and utilized in maximum efficiency and this trend has led to building of multistoried high rise constructions. Such sky scrapers necessarily need professional architectural design. Secondly, in the current context of increased disasters, both in terms of natural and manmade, yield for increased safety. For example, Japan experiences frequent earth quakes and a majority of buildings there are professionally designed to minimize the impact of earth quakes. Therefore to ensure the safety it is important to design them professionally.

Despite these beliefs, people who are not in favor of employing architects see it as an expensive option. According to them, architects are costly and a significant sum of money has to be allocated as professional fee. However, this may not always be the case, because even though there is an initial cost, it should not be seen as a cost but an investment on safety, strength and the durability of the structure.
In conclusion, although some people suggest that is not vital to employ architects in building construction, it is evident that architects play a major role in designing modern buildings. If architects are employed in design process, buildings will necessarily be safe and will last for generations.