GT Writing-Task 2 review please

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GT Writing-Task 2 review please

Post by ramani56in »

Q : Those days people used to wear clothes that suits to their culture and traditions. But these days the clothes worn by people all over the world look same. Do you think, it is good or bad.

A :

In olden days people used to wear the dress that suited and reflected their ethnic identity. But in present day, every one across globe wear similar outfits. In my opinion, instead of judging this trend, we should embrace it for the betterment of human kind.

Whenever there is an official cermony, people used to wear traditional dresses. If we ask every one to wear the same kind of dress all the times, it will become boring and look monotomus. Trying different fashions will be refreshing and this will help to understand different cultures. This will help to diffuse cross border tensions and create an atmosphere of love and affection. This will reduce expenditure of different governments which they spend to procure arms and weapons. This savings will help the states to spend in constructive way for the benefit of human kind.

When we were kids, we used to wear all kind of clothing. But when we grow older, we tend to stick to same type of dress. If we try different pattern in our outfit, it will help us to rediscover the curiosity that we possesd in our childhod days. Recent studies suggest that coming out of comfortzone is needed for better productivity and creativity. If we come out of our comfortable standard set of clothes and try different fashions, that will benefit the company to which we work for.

There is a general belief that, if we learn different languages or try different kind of cusines, we can appreciate the tradition and culture associated with it. Same way, trying different fashion in clothing, we can understand mutually different culture and there by create love and affection between people beyond boundaries.

To conclude, considering the points elucidate in the above paragraphs, embracing new fashions in clothing can help us to sustain mutual love and respect on our fellow human being who live in alien country.
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Re: GT Writing-Task 2 review please

Post by Flick »

ramani56in wrote:Q : Those days people used to wear clothes that suits to their culture and traditions. But these days the clothes worn by people all over the world look same. Do you think, it is good or bad.

A :

In the olden days, people used to wear clothes that suited and reflected their ethnic identity. But in the present day, everyone across the globe wears similar outfits. In my opinion, instead of judging this trend, we should embrace it for the betterment of humankind.

Whenever there is an official cermony, people used to wear traditional dress. If we ask everyone to wear the same kind of clothing all the time, it will become boring and look monotonous. Trying different fashions will be refreshing and will help us to understand different cultures. This will help to diffuse cross-border tensions and create an atmosphere of love and affection. This will reduce expenditure of different governments which they spend to procure arms and weapons.(<--Reword to: "This positive atmosphere will encourage governments to spend less on weapons.") This savings will help the states to spend in constructive way for the benefit of human kind.(<--Reword to: "These savings can then be used to help citizens and benefit mankind.")

When we were kids, we used to wear all kinds of clothes. But when we grow older, we started to stick to one style. If we try different patterns in our outfits, it will help us to rediscover the curiosity that we possessed in our childhood. Recent studies suggest that stepping out of our comfort zone is needed for better productivity and creativity. If we come out of our comfortable, standard set of clothes and try different fashions, that will benefit the company for which we work.

There is a general belief that, if we learn different languages or try different kinds of cuisine, we can appreciate the tradition and culture associated with it. In the same way, trying different fashions in clothing, we can understand different cultures and thereby create love and affection between people beyond boundaries.

To conclude, considering the points discussed in the above paragraphs, embracing new fashions in clothing can help us to sustain mutual love and respect for our fellow human beings who live in other countries.
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Re: GT Writing-Task 2 review please

Post by ramani56in »

Dear Flick,

Thank You so much for your effort and time put forth for this review. :)

In what band do you see me.

Thanks & Regards
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