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Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:25 am
by chiragjigs
Task 1: Tables about international students in Canada and US

Task 2: Nowadays in many countries, Online shopping is replacing shopping at store. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?\

best luck for your exam...


Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:27 am
by chiragjigs
Since 1994, the information highway has been dominating most sectors of the society, ranging from education to scientific research. Similarly, the rise of online shopping appears to pose a greater impact on people's daily lives. However, this development can cause both positive and negative influences, which would be discussed in this essay.

On one hand, there are two advantages that related to this phenomenon. The first point is that online shopping has increased people's living standards. As consumers can save more time on browsing the products and make the comparison of items if they make a purchase over the Internet. This is particularly true for modern working families who are generally occupied with heavy work-load and house chores, leaving little time for visiting shops. In addition to this, another advantage is that online purchasing creates more job opportunities. For example, the website, Amazon has offered thousands of positions in the fields of packaging, advertising and manufacturing, due to its business expansion.

On the other hand, critics argue that e-commerce should be responsible for the disappearance of traditional shops. Consumers can buy the same product on the website with a much lower price than the retail price, which makes it less possible for long-lived retail industry to survive from this unfair competition. Sociological findings report that there are six book shops are closed every week in the UK, as the result of the growing popularity of online stores, such as Ebay. Apart from that, people need bear the consequences if they ordered products on the website. More often the case, they will be having problems in exchanging or returning products if there is a flaw on the goods, which may violate the consumers' rights.

In conclusion, from the bright side of this phenomenon, shoppers can enjoy efficient purchasing services with this modern technology, while more jobs are created in order to feed more families. However, I believe customers need to be aware of their personal rights and governments should consider closely regarding the falling of the traditional retail industry.


Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 3:13 pm
by surch086
Here are the general writing topics i got at bangalore, india (22nd nov 2014)..
writing task 1
you want to send organizer to some feedback on course
1)course details
2)how you enjoyed
3)suggesion to improve course

writting task 2
there are younger people deliberately damaging public things
1)why people are doing something like that was the question..i dont remember exactly
2)what measures you will take?



Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:01 pm
by rat
iam very glad to your writing tasks. i had a small doubt, is these are same questions for all students who have taken exam on nov 22nd 2014..


Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 7:36 pm
by OnlineEnglishTeacher
rat wrote:iam very glad to your writing tasks. i had a small doubt, is these are same questions for all students who have taken exam on nov 22nd 2014..
I heard a few years back that maybe there are around 2.5 million IELTS exams a year (maybe more now perhaps): I doubt anyone outside of the IELTS directors easily knows all the questions for any date.


Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 9:03 pm
by Axiom
Writing - Lisbon - Portugal - 22/11/2014

Task 1

A horizontal bar graph with percentages of the amount that families spend in diverse items, in two different years 1987 and 2004. The items were: habitation, transports, food, plus 3 ou 4 others i can't remember.

Task 2

In the past people lived all their lives in the same place . Today we can see that there is a trend for people to change their living place very often.
What are the reasons behind this?
Do you think it brings more positive advantages or negative ones?

Note: the words were not exactly these but the idea is correct.


Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 9:08 pm
by OnlineEnglishTeacher
Do you remember if they asked to "describe the data", or "write about the key features"? I had noticed on maybe, that they may have started doing the former.
Axiom wrote:Writing - Lisbon - Portugal

Task 1

A horizontal bar graph with percentages of the amount that families spend in diverse items, in two different years 1987 and 2004. The items were: habitation, transports, food, plus 3 ou 4 others i can't remember.

Task 2

In the past people lived all their lives in the same place . Today we can see that there is a trend for people to change their living place very often.
What are the reasons behind this?
Do you think it brings more positive advantages or begative ones?

Note: the words were not exactly these but the idea is correct.


Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 9:13 pm
by Axiom
I can't remember exactly, but i believe it was:

Summarize, compare and write about important features of the illustrated data.


Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 9:15 pm
by OnlineEnglishTeacher
Axiom wrote:I can't remember exactly, but i believe it was:

Summarize, compare and write about important features of the illustrated data.
Great - if anyone else knows please write it here - I am making some example task 1 writing tasks on my free site.