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foreign film

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 3:48 pm
by durai
Describe a foreign film that you enjoyed watching. *

You should say:

what type of film it was

who the actors were

what the film was about

and explain what you liked about this film.

Re: foreign film

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:27 pm
by lmoore
Hi, Durai,
Your speech sounded a bit like you were reading it. You included information that the task card did not ask for, which is usually fine, but the detailed information you included was not information that people would use in normal conversation about a movie, like who distributed it. It sounded a bit stiff and awkward.
Your speaking was fluent, as usual, but there were some problems with pronunciation. For example, “film” sounded like “flim.” Make sure you say the “i” instead of the “l” first in that word. “Violence” was another word you mispronounced. It sounded like “wyolence.” Be sure to put your top teeth on your bottom lip when you say the letter “v.”
Vocabulary was good in this speaking sample. I heard “longstanding peace,” and “unintentionally,” for example. The “longstanding peace” bit, however, sounds like you are reading a summary of the movie because people typically do not speak so formally in conversation.
Here are some sentence structure notes:
-A young farmhand supposed to rescue a young princess. . . – a young farmhand IS supposed to rescue a young princess. . .
-When Jack stepped in giant’s kingdom in the hope of rescuing kidnapped princess – when Jack stepped INTO THE giant’s kingdom to rescue a young princess
-There were five people killed by the falling of bean stalk – There were five people killed by the FELLING (this means cutting down) of THE bean stalk. OR There were five people killed when the bean stalk fell. OR The bean stalk killed five people when it fell.

Keep practicing, and you are going to improve so much!

Re: foreign film

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:44 pm
by durai
Thanks Imoore

Is it not good to add such kind of information while talking, but I usually talk to people who distributed this film, particularly if the movie wasn't good , to my overseas friends, they do the same...

anyway I look at it....

Re: foreign film

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 1:44 am
by Charmy
Hey, durai.
I saw your signature:
APR 2014 L 8 R 9 W 6.5 S 7
I calculated the average which is 7.625. I'm just curious if you ended up getting 7.5 or 8 in this case?