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Kindly evaluate my task IELTS writing Task 2, regarding Advertisement

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 1:17 am
by guan721
Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives.
Which viewpoint do you agree with?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Nowadays, advertisement is everywhere. Short advertisement films playing before commencement of a movie, billboard along the highway, and advertisement posted on renowned newspaper. There is no deny advertisements convey information regarding latest products in the market. Yet, I strongly agree advertising brainwash audiences to purchase stuffs, directly or indirectly, that audiences do not truly need.

With regards to family, advertisement intent on moulding young minds. This is because children are tend to be influenced easily compare to adults, thereupon children will apply intense pressure on their parent to buy the product that they are attracted to. For instance, when children see something which they fancy but they do not necessary have to buy, the precious of parent, children, will whine and cry in order to get their parent to buy them the thing.

Secondly, advertisers usually engage glamorous and successful person to endorse products. In doing so, the advertisement creates an effect to persuade people to follow the latest trend. For example, in a party of friends, if majority of friends having a costly watch, will result in the minority, who possibly not wealthy as the others, to figure out a way to purchase the same watch. The upshot of this may cause the student carry out illicit activity, such as robbery, steal, and etc for them to gain the resources to purchase the watch.

In conclusion, I think advertisement should be regularized. This can be done through effort from government, on paying more attention to the advertisement being displayed. If the advertisement is well controlled, this will prevent distribution of misleading information or concept to the audiences.