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Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 10:49 am
by amitsurani101
Many people believe that there has been general increase in anti social behavior and decrease in respect towards elders. What are the causes of problem? And what can been to improve the situation?

When greed and selfishness have become rampant the trend of antisocial activities is on increase, which needs immediate address by conscious efforts of people as well as mentors of society. This essay evaluates the causes and measures for the increasing antisocial behavior in people.

Today, blind run behind aggressive materialization has made people narcissist (egoist) and this has led to a self centered mentality in people increasing non- ethical behavior. Today, to fulfill the requirements of life people indulge in activities to earn short cut money and simultaneously the influence of western culture has put ethics and respect to relations on the back seat.

Many countries are getting squeezed by dearness which is the worst enemy to humanity, which raises several social pressures like unemployment and inequality of income, when coupled with lack of education, leads the person to wrong practices. Youngsters, who are the future of the nation, under their extravagance, company of peer group and the so called independence have lost the vision of their own destiny which is a great matter of concern as this engenders to increase in such acts for the want of money. On other side, corruption is becoming termite which provokes the person to abuse system on its loopholes.

Considering this situation as an alarm to breaking structure of society , effective measures are expected from individuals as well as the government who can provide a flawless system to society. Literacy should be the point of agenda, which should be improved at any cost to develop a cultured and sophisticated society who is capable to think and act for the betterment of society. Joint family is an important step which can inculcate moral values in coming generation under the shelter of elders.

Importantly, media should be controlled for its violence and the telecasts of social programs which display more anti social behavior as such programs also become a reason for reducing respect for elders. Along with this youngsters should be guided by proper counseling on their career and life. For better governance corrupt employees should be removed replacing with young brigade to run the government. Increasing employment opportunities can also show right direction to youngsters.

To agglomerate, we can conclude that initiative of people under the support of government can really do miracle to eradicate antisocial approach of people