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Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 5:20 pm
by priyadarsini
Title: Human activity has had a negative impact on plants and animals around
the world. Some people think that this can not be changed, while others
believe actions can be taken to bring about a change.discuss both views and
give your opinion.

Human actions which are carried out in all over the world have irreversible consequences on the flora and fauna. It is contemplated by many people that these deeds are no more controlled by human beings, whereas other are of opinion that sustainable precautions are undertaken to protect these natural living organisms. I firmly believe that strict rules and regulations can really bring friendly environment.

There are a plethora of reasons that why people assume that the activities carried out by human beings can not be curbed. Firstly, demand for the basic needs of a man to survive in the environment indulges him to harm the plants and animals. Secondly, to live a life to a certain extent, man has been constructing the roads and developing the transportation system by deforestation of thick forest.However, these essential requirements are on the side of the increase in demand without which he could not step a forward. hence people would believe that it is impossible to stop the deeds of human beings who are harming the ecosystem.

On the other hand, people who are very much keen in contemplating the sustainability of flora and fauna, pondering that with certain steps of precautions these problems can be ruled out to an extent. Although roads are constructed we can still avail the space that has been left on the either side of the roads to plant the trees. This will enhance the greenhouse effect by reducing the global warming temperature which in turn ensuring the safety and survival environment to natural flora and fauna.

To reiterate, even though human beings are polluting the environment still with certain authoritarian rules policies and regulations we can still create a sustainable ecosystem.