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Kindly evaluate my Task 1 - describing an island

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 12:01 am
by Zoranis
The two maps below show an island, before and after the construction of some tourist facilites.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


The maps illustrate the main features of an island with hundreds of metres of length without human occupation and after the build of tourist places.

Apart from the beach on western side of the island and the north sea, the central area had been strongly modified. A restaurant in the upper centre is connected by a vehicle track to the reception touristic centre. This track continues to south until reach a pier. To the west of reception, the original trees had been preserved and accommodations were built along them. A footpath now serves as a pathway linking the accommodations to the beach on the western side. Also, the tourist houses were placed to the east of reception. They form a circular shape distribution such as the houses of the western portion. This area has a native forest that remains preserved after the construction of facilities. There is no footpath that connects the tourist facilities to the trees in this region or to the west coast of the island.

Therefore, the island has been modified in its central portion, but maintain the natural background on its extremes.

Re: Kindly evaluate my Task 1 - describing an island

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 9:14 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner
Oh, I LOVE the island question!

You should add a brief description of the island before development ('with hundreds of metres length' is insufficient).

Your main description of the new developments is good, but I think that you could order the points better. I suggest starting with the pier because it's where people arrive. Then the reception and restaurant, then the accommodation and other features.

Vocabulary and grammar are both very good. So, overall, this is a very good report - well done!


Re: Kindly evaluate my Task 1 - describing an island

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 11:45 pm
by Zoranis
Thank you David for use your time to assess my essay. Feel free to be very strict when checking, I would not complain at all hehe.

I know this essay is not good. I am doing essays in the exam time format (20 mintues to this question only), but I know that I have a long way to pursue yet.

Thank you again!