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Assess my Academic Task 2 - Thank you

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 12:57 am
by marion7795

Governments should spend money on railways rather than roads.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

--------------- Answer ---------------

There is no doubt that both railways and public roads should be improved. However, I believe that roads are far more important than the railways. In this essay, I am going to discuss both sides of the argument and support my own belief with relevant examples.

The railways are in pretty good shape already, in the United Kingdom. Although, they could be improved a lot, I still believe that as a majority of people are using to travel from point A to point B bus, tram or car then roads should be our main priority.

As mentioned previously then roads in most countries are already in a pretty bad condition and the reason for that is that people are using them for various reasons (commuting to work and vacation). This is the reason why I believe that governments should invest more money into our public roads. Also, this could reduce the number of accidents that happens on the roads because investing more money to the roads means that our roads will be more safer.

In conclusion, I believe that as long as public roads are not as good as railways there should no debate in regards to whether or not to invest more money into our railways. However, when correct balance is found between the financing of railways and public roads then I would fully support this. Although, this finance should be more focused on our public roads as this is our main priority when it comes to the condition of our roads.

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