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Please assess my Writing Task 2

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 4:19 am
by middleofchaos

Some hold the view that ideas and information should be completely open, and there should be no controls on what people can read and watch in the media (TV, newspapers, Internet).

Do you agree with this view, or do you think that in some circumstances governments should limit the freedom of the media?


As the world is changing dramatically, technology and the internet have reshaped our lives nowadays. Access to information on these two platforms has generated both positive and negative feedbacks; as to whether these ideas and information be completely open to many or the government curtailing access, remains a contentious topic. Personally, I believe that freedom to media should be open to an extent. In this essay, I will give balance viewpoints of the two and support my opinion.
On the one hand, the free access to any subject or website in the media would mean exposing the younger generations to sensitive topics. Such topics that include pornography, violence – to mention but a few, will affect negatively to children. For instance, a recent study showed that a growing number of children are exposed to pornography in the internet that led to some inappropriate behaviour observed by parents and teachers. This obvious drawback has convinced other people to limit its access.
Secondly, chaos in the form of various rebel propagandas have plagued the social media nowadays. In these propagandas, the rebels’ ideals are presented to influence and to recruit members. A good example would be the ISIS which most of their activities are posted and broadcasted around the world. This increasing problem of people accessing to this kind of propagandas have resulted to catastrophic events like bombings and killings.
On the other hand, the so-called phrase “information for all as a basic human right” is what many people are trying to get across. Many would argue that many information should not be curtailed and be limited as people have the right to this information. Governments, for instance, have published statutory laws governing the release of information as this promote transparency. This has given the public a sense of ownership to their country.
Moreover, the media, broadly speaking, contains abundant resources to enhance a person’s capabilities. With increasing access to these technologies, many people are now knowledgeable to certain topics. Not only cognitive aptitudes but also spiritual and emotional growth as well that these technological advancements may bring. A world full of information ready to be tap by people has been a vision of many.
All in all, there is no doubt that the media changed the landscape of our lives. Along with many other things, ideas and information on these platforms have its benefits and drawbacks. As I see it, the governments’ role to limit information is vital to protect the younger generation and for peace and security; however, it should not come to a point in where all these information are filtered as other information are beneficial to the growth of the citizenry.