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Kindly evaluate my report please if possible

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 6:12 pm
by SPO
A glance at the pie chart provided reveals data on the number of different types of families which endured indigence in the United Kingdom in 2001. The units are measured in percentages.

By and large, what can be inferred from the diagram is that the majority of poor people in the country belonged to Sole parent units, whereas aged couples constituted the minor proportion of thre badly off.

Turning to the details, in terms of sole parent units, people who were located in needy life accounted for 26%, as apposed to single people without children, who made obly a mere of 2%. Fifteen percentages of people dwelling in poverty were couples with children, slightly more than the number of All households with 14%.

With regards to the remainings, couples with offspring held a slice of just under one in ten. This was followed by single aged persons and aged couples, comprising for 7 and 5 percentages respectively.