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Please evaluate task 2... Thanks

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 1:48 am
by hemantsharma90
Nowadays many countries are facing the problem of heavy traffic and congestion. Describe the situation in your home country and suggest some solutions.

In the past few decades, people’s disposable income has increased significantly. They are spending large portion of their income on luxury goods such as cars and houses which raises the number of cars on the roads. Traffic congestion has become the bane of citizens in many parts of the world and India is no different than others. Situation and solutions are discussed in this essay.

To begin with, traffic problems are the biggest challenge in this decade. First and foremost, traffic congestions contaminate the environment which further affects people’s health. For example, in the national capital of India, citizens are struggling with many diseases such as eyes burning, throat infection and Asthma. Secondly, pupils have to wait for hours in traffic to reach at their destination. In other words, on one side their precious time is getting wasted and other side our natural resources will be consumed in no time. Last but not least, many animals or creatures are being killed by such high amounts of pollution and thus, unbalancing our eco-system.

However, there are numerous ways to improve the conditions. Government has a crucial role to play. For example, commuters should be encouraged to use public transports instead of using their own vehicles by refining the current situation of public transports. Moreover, strict laws can be introduced for those who do not obey the traffic rules as this will help to avoid chaos on the roads. In addition, innovative ideas such as car pooling should be promoted to minimize the traffic jams. Furthermore, people should start walking or even using bicycles to cover shorter distances.

To conclude, situation is getting worse by every passing day for every nation which could impact our eco-system. Hence, government and people should come together to resolve the issue.