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Task 2.... please validate

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 2:20 pm
by hemantsharma90
Some believe that the development of technology and improved software allow us to translate between languages automatically. Therefore, it is not necessary to learn foreign languages any ore. Do you agree or disagree?

Technology has changed our life over the period of time. These technologies are making our life more comfortable than ever before. In this era of technology, many people feel that there is no need of learning foreign languages because everything can be translated with the help of some software. However, I disagree with this statement. Points supporting my view are described below.

To begin with, there are various drawbacks of using such software. First and foremost, these software cannot communicate emotions. For example,. One cannot express the felling of love, anger or sorrow while using such things and thus, it seems very artificial. Secondly, many times software cannot translate accurately which can further lead to communication gap between people. Last but not least, these translating equipments are very expensive which means many people cannot afford to buy it.

There are numerous advantages of learning foreign languages. The prime advantage is that, we can learn their cultures and its values which can open doors to new opportunities. For instance, by learning English language, one can travel all the English speaking countries and even can find jobs there. Moreover, these initiatives bring nations together and hence reduce the chances of having a war. In addition, such activities can increase the inter-country trade of goods and services which can provide many business opportunities.

To conclude, after analyzing the same, it is clear that software cannot help that much even though it can translate many things. It is always better to learn new languages instead of depending on technological devises.