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Why exams must be abolished. Task 2 +7

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 8:33 am
by ysaddiq
Most education systems rely on examination to encourage children to study, but as a result children suffer from too much stress and they never learn to be creative.

Therefore examinations should be abolished. do you agree?

Examination is claimed that it is an effective feature to help children to study. However, recent studies have shown that exams can negatively affect children' creativity. Exams, therefore, have to be abolished. Personally, I agree with the abolishment of examinations because they are stressful and hinder kids' social skills. I will analyze these areas in my essay.

First, there is an undeniable link between examination and children' stress. For instance, a recent research by Cairo university has shown that 20% of children score better than their peers while spending less time studying. Accordingly, the remaining 80% suffer to attain equivalent grades that are naturally beyond their intellectual abilities which consequentially results into stress. Schools, therefore, should not rely on exams to encourage studying and find alternative methods.

Moreover, examinations hinder young children social skills. In a purpose to attain high marks and struggle to meet parents expectations, children tend to spend most of their time studying instead of socializing, playing or exploring. In a result, they gain weak social skills. Thus, this is one of the main reason why I gravitate toward the abolishment of examinations.

In conclusion, examinations can be an effective feature to help children to study but they are stressful and also hinders children social skills. Personally, I agree with the abolishment of examinations because of its negative consequences. I believe I will continue to support this until it is realized.

Re: Why exams must be abolished. Task 2 +7

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 4:59 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

The first main paragraph makes no sense to me. If a child scores higher whilst studying less, then I would praise that child for studying efficiently. If children cannot achieve the grades they need, then they could study something else.

In the second main paragraph, you are only talking about a minority of children - I strongly suspect that it is a very small minority too, even in countries where it is widely believed to be a majority! In an essay about computer games, I'd bet money that candidates would suddenly switch to 'Oh, kids nowadays are always playing computer games and not studying!' (And I don't believe that either!)

There is plenty of time to develop social skills, even while studying - in groups for example or by doing projects.

So, overall, we have an essay with great grammar but points that are unconvincing at best and likely completely wrong.

In addition, you fail to point out that exam stress might be good preparation for working life, which can also be stressful. Furthermore, you don't outline any alternatives.

All the best,

Re: Why exams must be abolished. Task 2 +7

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:21 pm
by Flick
ysaddiq wrote:Most education systems rely on examination to encourage children to study, but as a result children suffer from too much stress and they never learn to be creative.

Therefore examinations should be abolished. Do you agree?

Examination is claimed to be an effective motivation to help children to study. However, recent studies have shown that exams can negatively affect children's creativity. Exams, therefore, have to be abolished. Personally, I agree with the abolishment of examinations because they are stressful and hinder a child's social skills. I will analyze these areas in my essay.

First, there is an undeniable link between examinations and children' stress. For instance, a recent study carried out by Cairo University has shown that 20% of children score better than their peers while spending less time studying. Accordingly, the remaining 80% struggle to attain equivalent grades that are naturally beyond their intellectual abilities which consequentially results in stress. Schools, therefore, should not rely on exams to encourage studying and should find alternative methods instead.

Moreover, examinations hinder young children's social skills. In an effort to attain high marks and meet parents' expectations, children tend to spend most of their time studying instead of socializing, playing or exploring. As a result, they fail to attain good social skills. Thus, this is one of the main reasons why I gravitate toward the abolishment of examinations.

In conclusion, examinations can be an effective wat to encourage children to study, but they are stressful and also hinder childrens' social skills. Personally, I agree with the abolishment of examinations because of the negative consequences. I believe I will continue to support this until it is realized.