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young age vs adult age discussion ... please review

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 11:10 am
by Prashant Hirani
Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest times of most people's lives. Others believe that adult life brings more happiness, in spite of greater responsibilities.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

Happiness is very hard to define and it varies from person to person. The issue whether teenage times are the happiest part of individual's lives or not is a debatable issue and people are divided in their opinion regarding this. According to another group, adult part of life is happier part of people's lives. I would like to discuss both these opinions along with my own views in the upcoming paragraphs.

On the one hand, admittedly, it is true that young age is the tension-free time in most people's lives. At the young age, one should not have to worry about social and financial aspects of life and neither have to worry about making any important decisions. In young age, people have time to play sports and have the outing with friends. For example, when I was young I was playing sports in every weekend and was going out with my best buddies during holidays. These are the strong reasons for supporters to argue that childhood years are the most memorable years.

On the contrary, detractors of the adulthood life have their strong reasons to present. First, at adult age, one have greater economic freedom and it means that one can spend on the things which make them happier. Secondly, it is the age where one believed to be more matured and have freedom to take decisions on their own. Furthermore, it is the period where one expects many potential changes such as getting married, having children's, and buying the own home. All these points make it clear that adulthood age is the most cherished time in people's lives.

In the light of above discussion, in my viewpoint, I tend to agree that adulthood is more enjoyable compared to teenage years as they can experience diverse things which make life fulfilling despite the responsibilities.