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Task 2 - Libraries and books available only through the internet - Mr. David, could you help me to evaluate this essay?

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 12:54 pm
by vitor.rmachado
"Public libraries will soon no longer be housed in a building as all facilities and books will be available online for all to access.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of public libraries only existing online."

It is argued that in the future, libraries and books will be accessed through the internet, and they will no longer exist inside buildings. This essay will discuss, firstly, the possibility of reading books from anywhere as one of the main benefits of this change and secondly, the exclusion of people who cannot access the internet as one of the main drawbacks, followed by a reasoned conclusion.
One of the principle advantages of having books available online is the possibility for people to access them from anywhere. Currently, it is not required for people to go to a specific building to borrow a book. They can do it through their technological devices, such as laptops or mobile phones. This is an advantage because people can read books even if they are travelling. For instance, people can access a website called Bookrix and they can download any book to read whenever they desire, for free.
One of the main drawbacks of having libraries and books available only through the internet is that it automatically make impossible for individuals who cannot access the internet to read books. In some countries, people are unable to go online, especially in poor countries. If books become available only through the internet, these individuals will not be able to read these books, therefore, it is a disadvantage. For example, in Brazil, a third world country, the majority of population do not have access to the internet. For this reason, libraries housed in buildings are necessary.
In conclusion, the benefits of having only online books and libraries, such as the possibility for people to access these contents anywhere must be weighed against the drawbacks, such as excluding people who do not have access to internet to read books.