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a speaking exam 20/07/2015

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:04 pm
by Aziza
Part 1
Can you tell your full name?
Where are you from?
Can you describe the apartment you live in?
Which features does it have?
What do you like in your house?
What would you like to change in your house?
Which house do you want to buy in the future?

Part 2
Describe a piece of electronic equipment or machine that you would like to buy in the future
You should tell:
What is it?
Where did you find the information about it?
Which features does it have?
Why do you want to buy exactly this piece of electronic equipment or machine?
(Could you buy this item in the near future?)

Part 3
How does a modern technology influence on people's lifestyles?
Is it important for people to know how to use a modern technology?
Is it important to use a modern technology in schools?
Can pupils study without teachers' assistance due to using a modern technology? What is a disadvanatge of it?
Will machines replace teachers in the future?