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how to write true/false/Not given in exam

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 8:19 am
by hardikbhai
Hi Ryan,

Could you please tell me how to write true/false/not given in exam?

Option 1) to write TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN in capital letters.

Option 2) to write true/false/not given in small letters.

Option 3) to write T/F/NG (just initials).

We (me and my friend) have given exam on 6th dec (IELTS-General) and have opt for option 2 and option 3 respectively. We are concerned a lot for this.

Please could you respond and share your views on the above matter.


Re: how to write true/false/Not given in exam

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 9:48 am
by hardikbhai
Hi everyone.

Please respond if you have any idea.

Thanking you,


Re: how to write true/false/Not given in exam

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:13 am
by Sally
It's True if you find the answer in the text ,)
It's false if you find synonyms but with corresponding information.
It's not given if you are spending more then 5 minutes searching for synonyms.
(I know it is a short answer but do this course it helps with the grammar and vocabulary

Good luck