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different behaviour in differnet culture

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:56 am
by ripon
The word “Culture” may be defined as a specific feature of some combined behavior of a community. The approach of such culture comes in focus era after era with its own individual characteristics and the people or a society carries the same meaning of it. The people or the community individually might have their own personal behavior but when originated from a common species or community must have under the same.
Different culture has it’s individual features which vary from other culture subjected to the same issue.

In this writing I would like to explain the merits and demerits of a child for taking a certain behavior or keeping an open mind to take anything else with his own choice.

For instance we can say that child behavior of a culture differs from other ,ie in a culture the child behavior on TV watching might be restricted where as in other culture child might be freed to watch on what they like. Both the community or culture has its own perspective to follow on the rule . One culture thinks that watching on TV with free intention might have affect on the mentality of a child . They might learn the bad things from watching any TV program. On the other hand another culture might oppose on the same issue rather they permit or allow watching any channels on TV .
My opinion is to allow every child to be freed mentally from earlyhood . Restriction or bondage of any certain rule might fall negative impact on mind of a child. Where as an open minded child is free to choose the things and he can easily adopt with the things in mind. The way of this learning can open or broaden his mind and besides this he can have the strong perspective to take or reject anything good or bad. On the other hand the bondage of a rule or restriction of a culture can not lead a child to use his own opinion and thus he can not express his own creativity. He is bound to accept or reject the specific rule ordained by a certain culture. This cultural behavior teaches a child that they are bound to accept any rule whether it is good or bad, either it is acceptable or not by them.

The most recent research of a cultural behavior on child might be focused on third world Muslim communities. The Muslim communities are not open minded to accept free mixing with boys and girls as we find in most schools. Where as the first world country has the co education and thus the Muslim community teaches a child that as a human being they are not free to mix with opposite sex frequently as a result the sexual crimes goes up in such community or arbitrary takes place in ruling parties., the women or girls are abused by opposite sex by being impoverished with certain rules . where as the developed country community teaches a human being that first of all they are human being , what ever the sex or color and thus they lead themselves in progressive way. The progress of socialism is happening faster in first world country than the third world country where this practice of restriction is followed strictly ie not to mix with opposite sex frequently in any social activities.

As a result we can say that restriction of any certain behavior can not open the mind of a human being . It always should be followed from the child hood of a culture sothat they can have their own judgment ability what is good or bad.