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writing task 2 please evaluate

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 7:51 am
by leo7.5
Boxing is a blood sport which often results in physical injury. It is inappropriate for this sport to exist in the modern age.

Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer, and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience

From the time of Olympians, the life endangering blood sports have existed. While a lot of those extreme sports have been phased out, some have persisted with modern adaptations. One such controversial yet highly popular sport is that of boxing. Is there space of such gruesome activity in todays world? I believe there isn't but some would disagree.

Human beings as a society have always found odd ways for the purpose of entertainment. Looking at the concept of boxing where one person has to fight the other in a ring until one of them collapses of fatigue or worse from damage to the oh so vital organ of our body the brain would seem horrendous. Yet, boxing still is one of the most famous sports in many countries around the world.

What makes it so enticing is the way its glorified. For a very long period of time, especially for the male populous, the testosterone laden sport was epitome for the alpha male species representation. Given the likes of legends it has sprouted, Muhammad Ali for example. It is of no surprise that it still maintains a chokehold on a lot of people.

however, this practice of cockfighting seems very primal in the modern age. Now that we know how extensively this sport can injure an individual, there really isn't any saving grace for this sport. What argument could possibly hold against permanently disabling a person for temporary gratification of a crowd?

In my humble opinion, what makes us human is our ability to learn, adapt and change our ways. Boxing may have been a part of our history and for some it is deeply integrated in the culture. However, Nothing comes close to endangering a life for mere entertainment and people should strongly oppose such activities.