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“Prevention is better than cure”

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 9:13 am
by misfire08
“Prevention is better than cure”. Researching and treating diseases is too costly so it would be better to invest in preventive measures. To what extent do you agree?

Healthcare is one of the most important responsibilities of the governments. Some people claim that there should be more funds provided for prevention of diseases compared to their treatment. This essay will discuss the reasons why I entirely agree that the healthcare system should be focused on preventive measures.

Many people think of their lifestyle only after they become ill. A recent survey has showed that 30% of people believe that preventing actions are ineffective and unnecessary. They claim that preventive measures have failed in many cases. For example, people smoke despite knowing the risks. Moreover, people can suffer from lung cancer having never smoked. Therefore, they insist that there will be always need for treatment. This suggest why some people think that treating diseases is more important than preventing them.

Despite minor benefits associated with focusing on treating diseases, the idea that prevention is unnecessary is completely preposterous. Firstly, preventing illnesses has economic benefits. For example, governments would have to spend large amounts of money for treating cholera and polio if it were not for vaccination. Secondly, it is very effective method as many diseases of affluence can be prevented with little effort. Governments should invest in promoting well-balanced diet, regular exercises and increasing people’s awareness about triggering factors like smoking and sedentary lifestyle. Preventing diseases can benefit society’s mental health because it allows to avoid stress associated with diseases. Overall, the idea of preventive healthcare leads to positive impact on society.

In conclusion, this essay argued why the governments should allocate more funds for preventing diseases instead of investing mainly in treating them. In my opinion, preventive healthcare is definitely better approach, which has both social and economic benefits.