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Could anyone check my essay ?

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 4:56 pm
by m.sholevar
Wealthy nation should assist poorer countries with humanitarian relief during the natural disasters. Agree, disagree?

It is argued that the rich countries should help Low-income nations when is necessary, especially in a time of the natural disasters. I am totally in favour of this statement because I believe they can afford to aid those countries and it is a human responsibility to take care of those who are in need.

First, developed nations have such a growing economy which it would not be put at risk by donating some of their money to others. From economy aspect, those poor countries are consumers of goods and services which are produced in wealthy ones and sometimes even the required labours for developed markets are coming from these unfortunate places. Therefore, with aiding these governments during the period of hurricanes, floods or droughts, prosperous nations could guarantee their future profits. A recent study showed that in the United States of America, around 12 percent of GDP has come from the undeveloped markets.
Giving hands to others when they are in problems is a duty of human being. Natural disasters will not call before coming, and they are unforeseen phenomenon so even with the most accurate and detailed plans, no one can survive without getting any help. Also in the recent decade, people pay more attention to morality and humanity and seek salvation by aiding others. This is why the number of volunteers from very wealthy places such as the USA and Europe has increased sharply during the past few years. Research from a well-known university in Germany stated that during the previous five years, the number of volunteers in time of droughts in Africa surged incredibly.

To conclude, I believe developed economies should donate more to the people who are suffering from floods, hurricanes or droughts and the reason is that the rich nation would gain some profit from aiding them. Another reason is the moral code and the human being's responsibility to share his/her comfort with others.