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Rate my writing - Taks 1 - Bar chart

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 4:08 pm
by CelestialWalker

The chart classifies Australian men and women into six age groups and demonstrates proportionately how many people in these groups took part in physical activity in 2012.
Looking at the graph, it is immediately obvious that women are more enthusiatic about physical exercise than men. It is evidenced by their dominant figures across almost all age groups with the only exception of the age 15-24.
The two genders also portrayed contrasting trends in their age demographics. While men, as they got older, had the tendency to do less exercise, hitting the bottom when they were 35 and 44 at 39.5%, and then gradually raised their numbers from there, an opposite direction can be seen in women's figures. Starting from 15, the percentage of women engaged in physical activity increased steadily, peaked at 53,3%, and began to decline thereafter.
It is also noticeable that whereas young men, aged from 15 to 24, did the most exercise amongst men, senior female citizens, aged bewteen 45 and 54 did the most amongst both genders. Interestingly enough, men and women who were 65 and over shared roughly the same amount of passion towards exercising as their figures were 46.7% and 47.1% respectively.

Every comment is welcomed and appreciated.