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Please evaluate y Task 2 essay - compulsory vaccination

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 3:55 pm
by irgmn
Many childhood diseases can now be prevented through the use of vaccines.
Should parents be made by law to immunize their children against common diseases
or should individuals have the right to choose not to immunize their children?

Preventive medicine nowadays evolved enough to render many children illnesses almost extinct thanks to vaccination.
However,to ensure the deadly viruses are exterminated, the vaccination should be total and failure to provide children with required protection should be punishable by law.

The infant's health is fully in discretion of his parents and today supplying all the required protection and care are parent's sole responsibility.
Sometimes, however, child's guardians decide against vaccination, thus exposing the helpless creature to the mortal danger of perishable diseases.
Their reasons might vary, from religious considerations to distrusting vaccine's effectiveness, but the result will be invariable - unjustifiable risk to the child's health and life.
Thus, I argue that the decision whether to vaccinate the child should be taken away from parents and the total vaccination should be enforced by low,
except rare conditions where vaccination itself is a clear fret to child's health and well-being (cancer survivals for example).

Moreover, the increased risk for public health that results from failure to vaccinate a single child should be considered carefully.
In the past, epidemics of cholera wiped out about a third Europe's population. It takes one sick person only to start the spreading of the mortal disease and the consequences will be unpredictable,
since viruses mutate and people who were vaccinated long time ago might become susceptible to the new stem of virus.
Based on the high level of potential danger to public, there should be next to no exceptions in vaccination policy and the process should be regulated by law.

In conclusion, the decree that will enforce total vaccination will benefit both individual children by protecting their life and health and the society in general.
Deadly diseases were concurred and should not be allowed to raise their ugly head again.
It is a shared responsibility of governments and parents to ensure all the available measures have been taken to prevent epidemics of the past.