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Negative and positive sides of zoos

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 2:53 pm
by adamrahimov
Some people feel that it is always wrong to keep animals in captivity, for instance in zoos. Other people say that there are benefits for the animals and for humans. Discuss both sides and give your personal view.
Zoos are still the artificial environments where people visit to undergo the feeling of being in the short-term contact with the wildlife. While some people argue that it is cruel to keep them in such captivities, however, I believe that, it is beneficial for both the animals and the humans.
On the one hand, zoos are considered as safe and peaceful places in some respects. In the wild, there are great probabilities that most animals can lose their natural habitat, or be killed by other animals. This is more beneficial particularly for endangered animals, which in turn can contribute to the ecosystem. Apart from this, as the natural places where animals can be very dangerous for the lives of human beings, most of us would not have the chance to encounter other living creatures without the presence of zoos.
On the other hand, there are many who doubt the wholesomeness of the existence of zoos. As living in the limited space, the animals can suffer mentally and physically. For example, repetitive disorders and eating disorders seem in the zoo animals more frequently. Apart from not being healthy, some argue that zoos are unethical as they do not have the right to exploiting animals with the intention of making money. They also suggest that the best way to saving endangered animals is protecting their natural habitats.
In conclusion, despite some negative sides, zoos have noticeable advantages for animals, as well as humans, as long as their rights and comforts are preserved.

Re: Negative and positive sides of zoos

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:05 pm
by arsa818
One possible reply out of many.

Animals are vital part of our ecological system and their existence is important for human survival. some people are of the opinion that animal captivity is not logical, however, other believe that it has some hidden benefits for both animals and humans. Moreover, I am of the opinion that animal captivity is not justified and this will be proven by analyzing both sides of the argument.

On one hand, animal imprisonment has many benefits for humans. For instance, animals those are detained at zoo is not only for the collection, it also helps in increasing interaction between humans and wild. The experience of visiting zoo help youngsters to study reaction of different wild animals at single place. Secondly, certain pets , such as dogs, helps mankind in different aspects. For example, guide dogs help blind people in their everyday routine.

On the other hand, this captivity is rather cruel in nature. Animals are also living beings and have many desires except food , accommodation or weather requirement. For example, some animals are very sensitive with the atmosphere they live in. I have seen many husky dogs brought into Karachi and due to hot temperature these dogs die. furthermore, certain animals only mate with their pair and if one die other dies automatically. finally, these detained animals often have diseases and which are not properly treated. these infection can easily transfer to humans which have very great negative impacts on human life. HIV is a perfect example of this as this virus is transferred from monkeys.

In conclusion, animal detention is totally illogical even in zoo and humans have no right to cage living beings that have feeling, desires and weather limitation.