Please kindly asses my speaking - about magazine

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Please kindly asses my speaking - about magazine

Post by rinriera »

Describe a magazine or newspaper you enjoy reading.
What kind of magazine / newspaper is it,
Which parts of it you read regularly,
When and where you read it,
Explain why you enjoy reading it.
Voice 004.mp3
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IELTS Examiner
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Re: Please kindly asses my speaking - about magazine

Post by Cliff.IELTS.Examiner »

Overall, I should think this effort would yield you 6 or 6.5. In terms of fluency, you meet the main criterion of band 7, that is, you are able to keep going and produce long turns with relative ease, and you sow a decent range of connectors and cohesive devices.

Lexical resources are adequate, but I did not hear idioms or uncommon words, so your band there would be restricted to 6.

Grammar is fair to good, almost a 7, but still a few too many errors.

Pronunciation is the biggest weakness and is hovering between 5 and 6. You tend to put a short pause between each word rather than running them together in units of meaning (chunking.) This makes your speech sound a little "choppy". You also place the stresses incorrectly in many multi-syllable words, and you mispronounce many vowels. Unfortunately some of these errors make your meaning unclear. If there are only a few example of this you would make it to 6, but there are quite a few here where I had to play the recording several times before I understood what word you were speaking. For example, when you talk about the part of the magazine you read most, the fashion section, you pronounced fashion "fission" so the word might have "fishing" or nuclear "fission". Then you said something about how to "stahl" our hair. "gives" sounds like "gizz". And what is a"Up-do"? Then you said what I worked out to be "my mum buys it for me regularly" But it sounded like "My mums spar it for me"

I suggest that you get a good voice pronunciation coach and work on stress patterns in words and sentences, as well as pronunciation of dipthongs.
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Re: Please kindly asses my speaking - about magazine

Post by lmoore »

Hello, Rinriera!
Thanks for sharing your speaking practice! I love how excited you are about those shopping bags in the magazine. That shows a good level of confidence and comfort with conversation English.
First, let me say that your answer was organized and to the point. You used a good introductory phrase to open your answer. That was great. You might consider using some more transition words, such as “additionally” to strengthen your organization even more.
Your fluency was good, overall, but there were some pronunciation issues, which the other commenter has noted. For example, I heard “local” with a long /o/ sound instead of a short /o/. “Fission” is “fashion” with a short /a/.
You have an intermediate level of vocabulary, but I loved that you used “up-do.” There was one mistake with vocabulary about magazine. You said “episode” instead of “issue.” “Episode” is for television shows.
Here are some other notes:
--Make an up-do – DO an up do
--CeLEbrity gossip instead of “celebrity’s” gossip – Emphasize the second syllable in “celebrity.”
--Mix and matching the clothes / apply the makeup – NO “the” before “clothes” and “makeup”
--My moms buy it for me regularly – MOM singular
--Korean actress/actor – ACTRESSES ACTORS
--They gives us – IT GIVES us
--Worthy – pronounce /th/ more clearly
--It’s really a worthy magazine that I enjoy subscribing to it – I really enjoy subscribing to – NO “it.” We know you’re talking about the magazine already.
Best wishes as you continue to practice!
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